Club member Stone Franke has been practicing with The Force Institute for a year - returning each practice for the historical background of the martial arts and the community of students. Photo by Emma Brisk

LAKELAND – A student-run martial arts club at Florida Polytechnic University brings together a strong community of self-proclaimed nerds to practice ancient fighting techniques.

Swords and lightsabers bring university nerds to The Force Institute twice a week to practice the self-defense fighting style of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) with a “Star Wars” twist. Members wear protective gear and practice one-on-one dueling techniques to foster close bonds with their opponents.

“It’s a good place to hang out with people who share your similar interests,” said club Treasurer Connor Davis. “You’re not going to be looked at weird when you pull up with a longsword on your hip so, that’s nice.” 

Club president Gustavo Salama mediates a duel between two members, giving them tips on how to perfect their fighting techniques. Photo by Emma Brisk

“Everyone is very open to helping other people learn,” said Joseph Dietz. “Even if you’re starting out, you don’t feel like you’re ashamed to be a student in this.” While learning a new art form can feel intimidating, new members say they feel welcomed by the open-minded existing members and receive instruction tailored to their skill level.

Many members stumbled across the club by accident, interested by the sword-fighting taking place in the heart of campus. “I was looking out of the dorms one time and saw them practicing outside the window,” said Logan Williams. “And I thought – I should join these guys, I want to swordfight.” 

The club has attracted many new members over the past year, with about 20 students regularly attending each practice and more joining after seeing the action. “It’s very impressive [that] these people use these skills,” said the club’s newest member Sebastian Brown. “I’d like to learn a lesson or two.” 

Club president Gustavo Salama helped establish The Force Institute and now instructs members using HEMA’s German manuscripts. Salama is focusing club meetings on “swordography” for a performance at Polycon, a large convention open to clubs from any university in Florida to showcase their talents.

“Everyone drives down to Polycon, it’s a big convention here,” said Salama. “It’s a big nerd show out, big nerd blowout.”

Salama is passionate about accommodating every member of the growing club and recently secured a $5,000 sponsorship from Florida Polytechnic University to fund more safety equipment.

“I want everyone to have the experience of sparring,” said Salama.