Trees in a line

Florida residents are facing a tough season as pollen counts soar to unprecedented levels.

According to Dr. Richard Lockey oak tree pollen is the primary culprit behind allergy flare-ups from January through mid-April.

Higher pollen counts have the potential to exacerbate asthma and skin problems, underscoring the challenges faced by allergy sufferers during peak seasons.

While pollen can exacerbate allergies, it’s vital to remember its essential role in supporting ecosystems.

“Pollen is not just a nuisance for us, it’s nutrients for insects, it is forage for birds and for bees and for bats,” said Dr. Christopher Kiahtipes an Associate Curator at the USF Libraries.

For allergy relief over-the-counter antihistamines can help manage symptoms.

For more information and resources on managing allergies, visit Mayo Clinic’s Website at mayoclinic.Org.

Tampa’s Branching out with a Plan to Restore Urban Landscapes

Tampa Mayor Jane Castor’s ambitious plan aims to revitalize the city’s tree canopy.

With the launch of this initiative, several communities can anticipate a greener landscape in the near future.

In an effort to reclaim its former status as a world-renowned city with an abundant tree canopy, Tampa is embarking on a mission to plant 30,000 new trees by 2030.

Tampa’s tree canopy has been on the decline, largely attributed to rapid residential development.

City leaders remain steadfast in their commitment not only to replenish but also to expand the tree canopy to once again make Tampa renowned for its greenery.

This initiative underscores Tampa’s dedication to environmental stewardship and sustainability. As the city moves forward with its tree-planting efforts residents can look forward to a greener more environmentally conscious Tampa.

Anchors: Abby Papasodero, Jimmy Rosilio
Producer: Joao Victor Pina
Assistant Producer: Jimmy Rosilio
Reporters: JP Magalhães, Ava Jochims
Social Media: Samantha Allen
Technical Director: Josh Skinner
Teleprompter:  Melissa Baldelomar
Graphics: Dawson Cordova
Video Editor: Aviva Kram
Cameras:  Ari Angelo
Web Editor:  Samantha Allen
Graduate Assistant: McKenzie Muskett 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Anderson