(TAMPA) General Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. Many voters have general questions and concerns about voting laws, especially first-time voters. If you live in the Greater Tampa Bay area, here’s a list of resources for you.
- Federal Election Commission: https://www.fec.gov/introduction-campaign-finance/election-results-and-voting-information/
- Florida Department of State: https://dos.fl.gov/elections/for-voters/
- USA.gov: https://www.usa.gov/voting-and-elections
- Vote.gov: https://vote.gov/about-us
- League of Women Voters: https://www.lwv.org/
- Vote.org: https://www.vote.org/

- Pinellas County Supervisor of Elections: https://www.usa.gov/voting-and-elections
- Pasco County Supervisor of Elections: https://www.pascovotes.gov/
- Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections: https://www.votehillsborough.gov/
- Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections: https://www.sarasotavotes.gov/
- Manatee County Supervisor of Elections: https://www.votemanatee.com/?nomo=1
- Polk County Supervisor of Elections: https://www.polkelections.com/